Tuesday, January 13, 2009

How about some ZUMBA??

OK..so..there is this new dance exercise craze that has been sweeping the nation. I, for one just heard about it. They are offering classes up at MSU, and I really think that I'm going to give it a whirl. If you want to sign up with me...that would be awesome. I think it would be fun..so..if you like to exercise and dance...here ya go!! So..come join with me....I would really like a buddy or three. http://www.moreheadstate.edu/oce/index.aspx?id=19742

You can also check it out on UTube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l5Hxw_Jf2B4


  1. I want to do it!!! Really I would love to!!! I want to exercise and it sounds like fun and extra fun doing it with someone else!!! (and I could use a ride there, hehe!!) let me know!! How much is it? I am a student so maybe I get a discount or for free!!! I will check it out on the website.

  2. You will have to do this alone...without me! For I am a HORRIBLE dancer!

  3. oooh! I wanna do it! Are you really signing up? If so, which session. I think I could only swing the saturday (have to dbl check w/brent). I REALLY would love to though.
