OK...so...this is my first blog. Instead of going back to Christmas and New Years...I'm just going to start out fresh on what my life is all about. My title pretty much tells all...I have two wonderful boys, Brady and Blake, and of course Kirby.
Brady will soon be 4, and he is pure 100% B-O-Y!! He is a very passionate little boy who loves big toys!! Riding in dump trucks, skid loaders, back hoes, and excavators..this little boy would ride all day if he could. If he spots his daddy or one of his uncles on a machine...he is begging me to take him to them. Then on the softer side of Brady, he loves his Thomas trains...he could play with those for hours and for the past two years..we have accumulated many trains and train tracks. OH...and one last thing....he absolutely loves playing with all of his cousins!!!

Blake...well...there is only one thing you could say about him...."papaw's boy" (both of his papaw's) He can spot his papaw's from a mile away. Two words that you will hear over and over from Blake is Papaw and momma. Since I have been staying home with the boys, he has become really attached to me. I don't know if that is a good thing or a bad thing...??? On a better note..Blake has to be one of the cutest kids ever...and I'm not just saying that because he is mine...he really has a fun personality...although he can be a little loud...he is really sweet.

Well...that's about all for now....hope you all have enjoyed my first blog...cause it had taken like 2 hours...it's hard to blog and watch TV...(well..for me it is)